Good Bye Amiens - Hello Belfast
That's the end. During four days, the 415 participants of the eurocon Amiens 2018 have met each other, discussed, exchanged, flipped through the books on the tables or at the bookstore, admired the artworkss and exhibitions, attended three theatrical performances, listened to 75 lectures, panels, etc., participated in two writing workshops, watched short movies in the cinema, attended four ceremonies (opening, inauguration, award ceremony and closing), occupied (for some with diligence) the bar, visited Amiens, participated in seven meals including a party concluded by the auction, had books autographed, watched two other performances, etc. etc. without forgetting 2001 and also the illuminations of the Cathedral.
But the time has come for the team to rest. The organizer wishes to thank all those who participated, the volunteers, the actors, the directress, the technicians, the master of the bar, the staff of the University with whom the cohabitation was perfect, the staff of the CROUS and the chief cook, and you, who have come sometimes from the other side of the earth, to take part. Thanks to you all, it's a great success. But the time has come for the French team to pass the relay. See you next year in Belfast for Eurocon Belfast 2019!
Thanks again to all ...
C'est fini. Pendant quatre jours, les 415 inscrits à l'eurocon Amiens 2018 se sont rencontrés, ont discuté, échangé, ont feuilleté les livres sur les tables ou à la librairie, admiré les oeuvres exposées et les expositions, assisté à trois représentations théâtrales, écouté près de 75 conférences, panels, etc., participé à deux ateliers d'écriture, visionné des films au cinéma, assisté à quatre cérémonies (ouverture, inauguration, remise des prix et clôture), fréquenté (pour certains avec assiduité) le bar, visité Amiens, participé à sept repas collectifs dont une soirée conclue par la vente aux enchères, fait dédicacer des livres, regardé deux performances, etc. etc. sans oublier 2001 et aussi les illuminations de la Cathédrale.
Mais le temps est venu pour l'équipe de prendre du repos. L'organisateur tient à remercier tous ceux qui ont participé, les bénévoles, les acteurs, la metteur en scène, les techniciens, le maître du bar, les personnels de l'Université avec qui la cohabitation a été parfaite, le personnel du CROUS et le chef cuisinier, et vous topus, qui êtes venus parfois de l'autre côté de la Terre, pour partriciper. Grâce à vous tous, c'est une grande réussite. Mais le temps est venu pour l'équipe française de passer le relai. Rendez-vous donc l'année prochaine à Belfast, pour Eurocon Belfast 2019 !
Merci encore à tous...
Pierre Gévart (with his so special way to write or to speak in english !)
Since 1972, the European Science Fiction Society (ESFS) officialises at a variable rate (one or two years) European Conventions, or Eurocons. France, after hosting three Eurocons, didn't do it since 1990. We therefore propose to the ESFS the French candidacy of Amiens in 2018 for a European convention coupled with the French convention. The vote on this proposal was held in November 5th, 2016 in Barcelona, during Eurocon 2016. It will be the 40th Eurocon.
Every year since 1973, the French science fiction fandom meets at a national convention. In 2014, it was "Nemo 2014," which was organized in Amiens (see the website). The location is chosen two years before by the participants of the antepenultimate convention. We therefore propose the candidacy of Amiens for the 45th French national convention of science fiction in 2018 to be voted by the convention participants of Bordeaux/Gradignan in 2016.
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